Hannah Rose is a freelance writer, editor, and knitwear designer. She lives and knits in Northern Colorado. Find her on Ravelry and Instagram at @bakeyknits.

Her favorite type of knitter is the adventurous beginner, because there is nothing better than a knitter who is willing and eager to learn. She believes that there is always something new to learn and fun ways to perfect your craft!
The Knitting Circle: When and how did you get started with knitting?
Hannah Rose Baker: One day when I was 16, I was walking across my high school and noticed two of my classmates sitting on the floor, resting against the orange lockers, and engaging in some type of handheld activity. I was curious and asked them what they were up to. They answered, “We’re knitting!” I watched them for a few minutes, became mesmerized, and asked if they could show me how to do it. I made a few knit stitches and was intrigued. I worked at Joann Fabrics at the time (my very first job) and proceeded—not surprisingly—to trade entire paychecks for yarn and resources that helped me continue to learn about knitting. Thank you, Sophie, Whitney, and Joann!
TKC: What is your favorite thing to design and why?
HRB: I prefer basic designs in solid colorways because those are the types of garments I like to wear.
TKC: What does your day look like as a knitwear designer and maker?
HRB: I try to work within the hours of 9am to 5pm when possible in order to keep a routine and stay focused, yet I allow for some flexibility because each day can look different. I’ve got to divide my time between contract work, knitwear commissions, business “paperwork,” and planning whatever design I can squeeze in. A very small portion of the day is actually spent knitting—computer work required of a freelancer eats up a lot of time but is important in order to stay organized and on top of everything.

TKC: What’s your favorite type of yarn? Why do you love it?
HRB: I love a soft and airy Merino-wool chainette. The knitting is smooth as butter with this yarn on some stainless steel needles. *Drools*
TKC: If you could only use one knitting technique for the rest of your life, what would it be?
HRB: C’mon now—that’s not fair! But, plain garter stitch. Hands down. (As long as I would still be allowed to use increases and decreases for shaping.)

TKC: What other crafts or hobbies do you enjoy?
HRB:My other main hobby is making pottery, which I’ve also been doing since high school. Additionally, I spend some of my time sewing, doing embroidery, painting, scrapbook journaling, and more—and I love doing house-improvement projects around my apartment every single day. I like to think of everything as a project.
TKC: Any quick tips/knitting hacks to share?
HRB: A big deterrent for some when knitting or finishing projects is making mistakes and not knowing how or not wanting to fix them. I like to think of these instances as both learning opportunities and chances to practice patience. Learning how to fix a mistake is a part of the big picture and makes us even better at our craft. Alternately, accepting that a project will have a mistake in it, or letting go of a project that is not working for you can be very liberating!
i am just learning to knit I did actually knit a cardigan for my daughter when she was 2 she is now 53 so yes at 74 i'm learning my question is how can i stop the front bands from bending upwards as if the bind off is very tight
I am looking for directions for a 2yr. old. No thumb mittens. I am just a beginner that wants to make mittens for a 2 yr. old little girl. I have asked for directions and posted it and no help came to me. Hope you can help me.
i still dont know how to join fronts to back . i am knitting a cardigan from the top down.