Mary Beth Temple

Neatly Weave in Ends on Circular Knitting

Mary Beth Temple
Duration:   2  mins


When a circular knitting project is complete, you may notice the point where the round join comes together is a bit untidy. In this video, Mary Beth Temple shares a simple tip for weaving in the ends at this join so that it is neatly joined together.

She takes a blunt-tipped tapestry needle and threads it onto the yarn tail. She takes the tapestry needle and brings it through the cross bar underneath the first stitch where the join is located on the project. She uses a blunt needle so that the plies of the yarn will not be split as she’s bringing the needle through the stitch. Once the passes through this bar, she pulls the yarn through. The join is much neater, and the ends of the project can be woven in as usual.

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One Response to “Neatly Weave in Ends on Circular Knitting”

  1. Julieta Gonzalez

    Thank you 🙏🏽 I appreciate your advice

Hi guys, Mary Beth temple here on behalf of the knitting circle. Have you been knitting in the round? and you finished your project in that first round, It just doesn't look quite right? The two stitches don't quite line up next to each other. Well, there's a way to fix that using a yarn needle and a yarn tail, and you can fix it while weaving in the ends.

So let's take a closer look at this technique. Now, when you are weaving in your very first end when knitting in the round, sometimes what you will see, see how that's kind of spread out at the very beginning. This is where my round joint was. That is my first stitch of the round. And that is my last stitch of the round.

And they are even, where they're supposed to be. But there's a little gap there that we do not love. So while I'm weaving in ends, I'm going to take that tail. I'm going to thread it through a tapestry needle and watch closely at the magic. I'm going to go, see the little crossbar right under that first stitch.

So there's my first stitch. I'm going to go top to bottom. Let's see, through that little bump right there and I'm going to try very carefully not to split the plies. Then I'm going to pull that through. Now, the gap is closed.

So the two stitches line up next to each other just exactly the way that we want them to. And I can go ahead and finish weaving in my end on the back of the work. You know, they say the devil is in the details and I say beautiful knitting is in the details. And that's a really great trick to make your knitting in the round look Perfect! I'm Mary Beth temple.

This is the knitting circle. We'll see you again here real soon. Bye-bye!

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