14-Day Learn to Knit Series

Have you been curious about knitting, but don’t know where to start? This 14-Day Learn to Knit series will help you begin your knitting journey, teaching you the basics and guiding you through your first knitting project. The first lessons cover knitting supplies and terminology. From there, the lessons move on to teach you how to cast on, knit, purl, and bind off. In the second half of the series, you’ll learn a basic increase and decrease and then cast on and knit your first project – a cute and comfy cowl. It’s going to be a fun-filled 14 days of learning to knit. Let’s find joy in our stitches. Be sure to save or bookmark this page to access your daily instructions.

14-Day Learn to Knit Series - Basic Stitch Patterns Guide
14-Day Learn to Knit Series - Easy Buttoned Cowl Pattern

14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 1

Day 1

Knitting Supplies
14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 2

Day 2

Basic Terminology
14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 3

Day 3

Casting On

14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 4

Day 4

Knit Stitch
14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 5

Day 5

Purl Stitch
14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 6

Day 6

Basic Stitch Patterns

14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 7

Day 7

Bind Off & Finishing
14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 8

Day 8

Yarn Over
14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 9

Day 9

Knit Two Together

14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 10

Day 10

Cowl Part 1 – Supplies & Cast On
14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 11

Day 11

Cowl Part 2 – Garter Stitch
14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 12

Day 12

Cowl Part 3 – Purl Ridge Stitch

14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 13

Day 13

Cowl Part 4 – Eyelets
14-Day Learn to Knit Series: Day 14

Day 14

Cowl Part 5 – Bind Off & Finishing

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403 Responses to “14-Day Learn to Knit Series”

  1. Catherine

    Looking to improve my knitting skills. And
    Learning new sfiches and skills enabling me to improve and learn new techniques .

  2. Kim

    I’m looking forward to brushing up on my knitting skills. My Mom taught me to knit when I was younger, but I need a refresher! I am also left handed, so I think I have to do knitting differently. I am looking forward to this opportunity- thanks.

    • Barbara Winterberg

      I started knitting socks and finished 2 pair and a half. I enjoy knitting socks but most of all I enjoy wearing them. My difficulty is in interpreting the patterns instructions. When I tried an Afghan it turned out wonky. Seems to be when I start a new row.

    • Yvette

      I am also left-handed but have been knitting ‘right-handed’ for almost 60 years because I was taught by right-handed knitters. I think it’s all about practice – the more you do it, the more natural it feels! I experiment sometimes with different ways to hold the needles and the yarn, but I always come back to the way I was taught because it feels easiest.

  3. Millie

    I did know there were different ways to do the cast on. I always did the long tail, however, I didn’t know that the length of the tail would determine the number of casting stitches. Thank you so much.

  4. Fran Moulton

    I need a pattern for mittens that I promised by granddaughter for this winter? Please respond.

  5. Wendy

    Grateful for this opportunity. I learned to loom knit but I have trouble with casting on using traditional 2 needle knitting techniques. This lesson will take me to the NEXT level yessssss!!

  6. Naheed Malik

    It is great opportunity to learn a skill that is not learned in systematic way.

  7. odette

    Thank you for offering us this opportunity. I always wanted to learn to knit, and now the opportunity is here!

  8. Mary Ann mcdermott

    I am having surgery next week and don’t know what shape I’ll be in after. I will be wearing a hard collar around my neck but I’m thinking I should be able to get the basics – and a cowl will hide some of the collar! Will it be possible for me to go online when I am up for it? What size needles do I need? I do have quite a few, not to mention lots of yarn since I’ve been wanting to learn for a long time.

  9. Alma de Mongenegro

    Thank you so much for sharing, for me it is very usefull, though I speak English, the knitting terms are little difficult for me to understand, but with the esplanation and the videos is much easier to me to know what you are talking about. Again thank you so much. Blessings from Guatemala.

  10. Yolanda Pitcher

    Thank you so much for sharing your talent. I have never used circular, but I would love to learn!! Also learning different terminology. Blessings and once again ty

  11. Doreen

    Many years since I did any knitting (very, very basic!) Thought this a good place to start.

  12. Mary Johnson

    Hi everyone… I’ve always wanted to learn to knit. Thank you for offering this free lesson to learn the basics. I’m excited to get started.

  13. Elizabeth Nurick

    I just like to watch and knit along to see if I can learn something I have not tried before.

  14. Cindy H

    It’s been years since I’ve knit anything, looking to refresh knitting skills. Feel like I throw my yarn backwards as the “v’s” aren’t straight, they appear at a slant… lol

  15. Shobhana

    Can I have a recording of each day’s lesson. Becos I am in a different time zone it may not be convenient to join always. Thanks

    • Customer Service

      You can click on the post and re-watch any of the lessons.

      The Knitting Circle


    I know how to knit some, But I see some stitches I am not familiar with. This will be good to cement the foundation.

  17. Carole

    I’m looking forward to learng to knit. I crochet a lot now, but have seen knit patterns I’d love to try..

  18. maria brown

    This looks doable. My schedule is very busy for the next month so I will have to stretch it out.

  19. Betsy McNair

    My Mother was an avid knitter. I have her knitting needles. She died a number of years ago and I have been kicking myself that I didn’t ask her to teach me. So, this is very exciting to me. I have lots of time as I am retired and find knitting to be sooo relaxing. I also Crochet and I love how fast that goes, however, my preference is to knit. Thank you for this!

  20. Clarita Umipig

    Wish to put up a website with your guidance. A website that is on CRAFT; and maybe…. be your affiliate here in the Philippines….if this is OK for you.

    • Customer Service

      Hello Carolyn,

      Great question! The ‘Ask an Expert’ section is currently for members of our online community. By becoming a member, you will have access to our expert’s knowledge. With your membership you will also receive discounts on products and hours of Premium video content.

      If you are interested in becoming a member, please click on the special offer below:



  21. Cheryl

    Want to learn how to knit socks too but not on double-pointed needles. Would love to understand the magic loop technique!

  22. Emily Brewer

    I am a self-taught knitter and I want to learn the correct steps for knitting.

  23. Nancy Rodgers

    I have been wanting to learn to knit and have tried just didn’t have the time. I have all of my supplies now to learn it

  24. Diane Ivy

    I’m 76, been crocheting for 49 years. Never had anyone to teach me to knit. About time, huh?

  25. Mary j Cuddy

    Would like to see ore advanced knitting for eg baby jumpers and cardigans and baby blankets

    • Customer Service

      Hi Mary. Thank you for your feedback. I have forwarded your comment to the proper department. We value your opinion and it will help with the development of our online streaming community.
      The Knitting Circle Video Membership

    • Customer Service

      Hi Kathy. Thank you for your feedback. I have forwarded your comment to the proper department. We value your opinion and it will help with the development of our online streaming community.
      The Knitting Circle Video Membership
