Knit the Knits and Purl the Purls
Jen LucasDescription
Occasionally a knitting pattern will have an instruction to “knit the knits and purl the purls.” In this video, Jen Lucas explains these instructions, working on a swatch of Elongated Interrupted Rib.
Jen begins by working a row of 1×1 ribbing (purl 1 stitch, knit 1 stitch) on the Right Side of the swatch. To continue the stitch pattern, the 1×1 ribbing pattern will be worked again on the next row. It’s worked by looking at the stitches and working the stitches as they are presented.
To knit the knit and purl the purls, Jen follows these rules:
- – If a stitch presents as a knit stitch (V-shape), the stitch is knit
- – If a stitch presents as a purl stitch (ridge or bump), the stitch is purled
Jen notes that most knitting patterns do not use this instruction, but it is something that you come across occasionally in your knitting.
Hello everyone. I'm Jen Lucas for the Knitting Circle. In this video let's take a look at the meaning of knit the knits, and purl the purls. It's one of those directions that you don't come across all that often in your knitting patterns but it's something that you're going to want to learn so that you know the meaning of it and you know what to do in case you do come across it. So let's get started.
So let's talk about what it means to knit the knits and purl the purls. Here I have my swatch of the elongated interrupted rib. And so you can see that we've created four rows of knit one purl one ribbing here, and then it's interrupted by the reverse stockinette stitch. We're going to go ahead and focus on the knit one purl one section of the swatch. So here I have a little swatch that I've worked.
And so row one of this pattern and we have a video on how to work this full pattern. Is to purl one knit one all the way across and then end with the purl one. So I'm just going to go ahead and work that row one of the stitch pattern. And then working row too we can just knit the knits and purl the purls. And so what does that mean?
Well, if we look at our stitch pattern now we're on the wrong side actually let me bring in another needle here. So you can see here that we have a knit stitch and then this looks like a purl stitch because we have the purl ridge there. And then a knit stitch, We see our V and a purl and a knit and a purl. So to work this, on this next row we're just going to work the stitches as they look to us. So we knit the knits, purl the purls.
This looks like a knit. We knit it. This looks like a purl, we have that purl bump there. We're going to purl. Looks like a knit.
We knit. Looks like a purl, purl. You would just do that all the way across. We're just knitting the knits, purling the purls. So we'll just finish off this row and then we'll just start working the next row just so you can see how this continues.
So that was row two of that stitch pattern. So row three, we're doing the same thing we did on row one where we're purling one, knitting one all the way across, ending with a purl one. But again, we're going to knit the knits, purl the purls as the stitch looks. So how it looks on the row that we just worked, as we're looking at it facing us that's what we're going to do. So this looks like a purl, has the purl ridge.
We're going to purl. Here we see our V, that's a knit stitch. We're going to knit. You won't often see patterns that are written in that way that tell you to knit the knits and purl the purls. But every once in a while you do come across it in a knitting pattern.
So it's important that you know what it means. So again, got our knit, got a purl, knit, and so on. So that's what it means to knit the knits, and to purl the purls. There you go. Isn't it easy, if it looks like a knit stitch, you knit it.
If it looks like a purl stitch you purl it. Knit the knits, purl the purls. It's just that simple. Thank you so much for learning with me here at the Knitting Circle. I hope that you enjoyed this video.
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