Quick Tip: Knitting Needle Material
Mary Beth TempleDescription
Hi, I'm Mary Beth Temple. And I want to talk to you about the material that your knitting needles are made of. There's metal, there's plastic or resin, there's wood, does it matter which one you use? Sort of? A lot of times people think I like metal needles.
I'm always gonna use metal needles. I like resin needles. I'm always gonna use resin needles, but there are times when switching the material that your needle is made of gives you an advantage in this knitting game. One is if you have stitch gauge, but you can't get rogue gauge, change your needle material. It may change your rogue gauge enough that you can match the pattern that you're aiming for.
The other thing I would suggest if you have a super slippery yarn that has a lot of movement to it, you're going to want to use a wooden needle because that's Grabbier. If you use slippery yarn on a metal needle, it's very likely gonna just, you know, off the end, it's gonna get slippy and it's gonna fall off. So in that case, changing the needle material is going to make your knitting experience better. So it can affect your gauge, it can affect your enjoyment. So I'm here to tell you, don't just pick one style of needle and decide that is the only one you're going to use now.
And forever experimentation might lead to a better result.
I never thought about needle styles I’m new to knitting but have crocheted for over 30 years