Knit One, Purl One (K1, P1) Cast On
Jill WrightDescription
Jill begins by showing a finished swatch of K1, P1 ribbing on both the Right Side and Wrong Side. She notes that this cast on is a variation of the cable cast on and compares two cast on swatches. The cable cast on swatch has a more rope-like edge, and the K1, P1 cast on has a zigzag look to it.
To work this cast on, Jill follows these steps:
- Make a slip knot and place on left needle. This counts as the first stitch, which is a knit stitch.
- Insert right needle into stitch as if to purl. Purl the stitch, leaving the stitch on the left needle. Scoop the stitch on right needle onto left needle.
- Insert right needle into stitch as if to knit. Knit the stitch, leaving the stitch on the left needle. Scoop the stitch on right needle onto left needle.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the desired number of stitches are cast on. Jill ends with a knit stitch because she prefers her 1×1 ribbing to start and end with a knit stitch. She then works a row of ribbing, noting that the stitches from the cast on appear as knits or purls, and that is how she works each stitch. She mentions that this cast on can be used for other ribbing patterns as well. The stitches in the cast on can be created as knit stitches or purl stitches as needed.
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