Sewn Bind Off
Jill WrightThe sewn bind off is a very stretchy edge that is perfect for a bind off that can benefit from extra elasticity. Because of the stretchiness of this bind off, it’s the perfect finish for edges of cuffs, necklines, and the top of toe-up socks. In this video, Jill Wright demonstrates how to work the sewn bind off.
To begin, Jill has a yarn tail that is approximately 3 times the width of her knitting. She places the yarn tail onto a blunt tapestry needle and then binds off using these steps:
1. Insert the tapestry needle into the first two stitches on the needle purlwise, leaving the stitches on the knitting needle and pulling the excess yarn tail through them.
2. Insert the tapestry needle into the first stitch on the needle knitwise, dropping this stitch off the knitting needle and pulling the excess yarn tail through the stitch.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until one stitch remains. The final stitch is secured by bringing the tapestry needle through the stitch purlwise, dropping the stitch off the needle, and pulling the remaining yarn tail through the stitch to fasten off.
Once complete, the ends of the project are ready to be woven into the fabric. Jill notes that the bind off is very stretchy and looks attractive from both the Right Side and Wrong side of the swatch.
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