Jen Lucas

Make-One Increases

Jen Lucas
Duration:   1 mins


Make-one increases are created by working under the strand in between two stitches on your knitting needles. In this video, knitting expert Jen Lucas demonstrates how to work this increase.

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One Response to “Make-One Increases”

  1. Shary Thap

    Can you give me the acronym for M1l and M1r

Let's talk about make one increases. The make one increases are worked by working the strand that's in between two stitches on your needle. To do the make one left, we're gonna insert our left needle under the strand between our two stitches and we're gonna do that from front to back and then we're going to knit that strand through the back loop. What that does is it creates an increase that leans to the left. Now ,to do a make one right we're gonna once again insert our needle underneath the strand between the two stitches but this time we're gonna go from back to front.

We're gonna just knit that strand as if it's a regular stitch and now we've made an increase that leans to the right. And that's make one increases.

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