Wrap & Turn Short Rows
Mary Beth TempleDescription
There are several different methods to create short rows in a knitting project. In this video, Mary Beth Temple explains how to work the Wrap & Turn Short Row method, the most common method used for creating short rows.
Working a swatch of Stockinette stitch (knit on Right Side/purl on Wrong Side), Mary Beth works a wrap and turn on the Right Side following these steps:
1. Slip stitch purlwise from left needle to right needle.
2. Bring yarn in between the needles, from back to front.
3. Slip stitch purlwise back to left needle.
4. Bring yarn in between the needles, from front to back.
5. Turn work to begin working Wrong Side.
Mary Beth continues by purling a few stitches on the Wrong Side of the fabric. She then works a wrap and turn on the Wrong Side following these steps:
1. Slip stitch purlwise from left needle to right needle.
2. Bring yarn in between the needles, from back to front.
3. Slip stitch purlwise back to the left needle.
4. Bring yarn in between the needles, from back to front.
5. Turn work to begin working Right Side.
She continues working the swatch, working the wrapped stitches as she comes to them. On the Right Side, where the stitches are knit, she knits the wrapped stitch by inserting the right needle under the wrap and into the stitch as if to knit and then knitting the wrap and the stitch together. On the Wrong Side, where the stitches are purled, she purls the wrapped stitch by inserting the right needle into the stitch as if to purl and then through the wrap and then purling the wrap and the stitch together as one.