Jen Lucas

Basic Bind Off: Purlwise

Jen Lucas
Duration:   3  mins


The Purlwise Bind Off is a variation of a traditional bind off. Instead of knitting the stitches during the bind off, the stitches are purled. In this video, Jen Lucas demonstrates how to work the Purlwise Bind Off.

Jen states that this bind off can be used for a variety of reasons. It can be used when binding off on the Wrong Side of Stockinette stitch. It can also be used on the Right Side of a piece, to create a line of purl bumps along the final edge, which can be decorative.

Jen follows these steps to work the Purlwise Bind Off:

1. Purl 2 stitches (2 stitches on right needle)
2. Insert the left needle into the first stitch (the right-most stitch) on the right needle
3. Pass the first stitch over the second stitch (1 stitch remains on right needle)
4. Purl 1 stitch (2 stitches on right needle)

Repeat steps 2 – 4, ending with step 3 with one stitch remaining on the right needle. Cut the yarn, leaving an approximately 6-inch tail. Fasten off by pulling the yarn through the final loop.

Once the bind off has been demonstrated, Jen shares her tips for blocking a piece that uses this technique. She prefers to pin down the individual picots when wet blocking a project.

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2 Responses to “Basic Bind Off: Purlwise”

  1. Lucille Carter

    I love the light blue wrap behind you in this video. Is this pattern available for purchase on The Knitting Circle? If not, can you please tell me the name of the designer and where I can find it, as well as the garment name? Thanks.

  2. Dolores miller

    I am new to knitting. I was able to do the first row and after that I was lost

Hi everyone. I'm Jen Lucas from The Knitting Circle. In this lesson let's take a look at working a purlwise bind off. This particular bind off might be useful if you are binding off on the wrong side of stockinette stitch, but you can also use it for decorative purposes. It has lots of great places in your knitting.

It's a great bind off to have in your bag of knitting tricks. And I'd love to show you how to do it. Let's get started. Let's talk about a purlwise bind off. So traditionally, when you're doing a bind off you're binding off knit wise on the right side where you're knitting a stitch, knitting a second stitch and then passing a stitch over, and all the stitches that you're working, your knitting and then passing them over.

But sometimes you might want a purlwise bind off. And you might do this if your last row was a right side, and now you want to bind off on the wrong side. You could also do a purlwise bind off to make your bind off, be more decorative. There's lots of reasons that you might use a purlwise bind off. But it's very simple and it's just like a traditional knit wise bind off, except we're going to be purling the stitches instead of knitting them.

So here I just have my swatch and here's my bind off here. And it does pretty much look like a standard bind off. And actually if I bring in a swatch here where I've done a knit wise bind off up here, the only real difference is that I added one more row of knitting to this. So then I worked one more right side. So then I could bind off on the wrong side.

But if you look really, really closely, you'll notice the little V's of my bind off stitches are actually going in opposite directions. Very minor, little detail on that purlwise bind off. So let's go ahead and just work this purlwise bind off. So I have a swatch here where I am going to just be binding off on the wrong side of my work. I worked some stock in that stitch, so we're on the wrong side here.

So I'm just going to purl one stitch. Purl a second stitch, and then pass the first stitch over the second stitch. And that's it. So it's exactly like a knit wise bind off except we're purling. So you just purl one, and pass.

Purl one, and pass that stitch over. Again, the only difference is that we're just purling instead of knitting. So you're just going to work that all the way across to the final stitch. And then you can just snip your yarn and pull the loop through too fasten off your knitting. And you've completed the purlwise bind off.

And there you go. Isn't that super simple? We're just working a regular traditional bind off, but instead of knitting the stitches, we're purling them. It makes a great bind off perfect for lots of different projects. And I hope that you'll give it a try.

Thanks so much for watching me here at The Knitting Circle. I hope that you found this video helpful. If you did find this video helpful, be sure to take a look around our website and see all the different knitting tips and techniques you have to try. I'll see you again soon.

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